
Menampilkan postingan dari 2009
The Race in Pacitan, Trenggalek, and Tulungagung Province of East Java Indonesia That’s very fantastics place, you must go to that place. Union among mountain and low land involve coastal give you unforgetable experience. Particulary in south side of them. Spreading Karst old untill young make the unique places. That different from other country. Bali is nothing for that’s place. Now the goverment have built race to connect popoh coastal untill prigi coastal until now, That’s very very fantastics roadshow environmental about unique mountain and coastal. I think that’s first number view in the world seriously. In Tulungagung, we can find lake which is built by cave (karst). Maybe I explain to you, the begin of making curve is first small holes. With the times, the holes become one hole, we called swalow hole. For long times the swalow hole bigger than before but becouse erosion factor the big hole is covered by soil, hence the water is not flow and after that the water make a beautiful ...


INCREASE THE RENDEMEN OF RICE Filling the grain of paddy is occured by mall reproduction. The aim the reproduction will exceed the good grain But if the proces reproduction wasnt happen, one thing will be happen is mall reproduction. The mall reproduction have got empty grain. The things why the reproduction proses fail consist of: A. Side Flag still depend or close from corner-bottom of grain. Actually corner-up of grain have been fill and taken good grain. The factor broken grain or empty grain is the side flag late to up so filling of grain is not occured perfectly. The solution, we use to enzim like Gibrelin Acid (GA3) to take the panicle up, hence the resistance of reproduction could be decreased. B. The grain which can be harvested very dangerous fungi suspecting. The reason is fungi have got their good-living with this condition.Anything else fungi can develop with quickly if the wet condition. With faces this case fungi, we use the active matterials enzim. We called difenolko...

Condition of Pantura Farming

Kerawang Many in Kerawang city is often become victim of flood. Many in side this town near of small river of low land. In winter/ rain season, The farmer are planting paddy for four times. The reason is flood which take the paddy away. The planting of paddy on four times are coused the farmer attempt harvesting for their life. In the middle land, the flood is never occured. Hybrid paddy development in Kerawang can be called increase. The farmer want to know about hybrid paddy becouse the productivity is higher than ussualy. They are still afraid becouse from their friend of farmer get information that hybrid paddy very easy to pest. Subang Subang is area which have middle land generally becouse that the area different from Kerawang. The drainage from the land very good, so the flood never come in long times. Becouse that the land very good to make the SRI sistem. Intermetent system metode very well to exceed the productivity in this area. But in other places the things occur dry land....

Pantura 1 (pantai cucuran air mata)

Perjalanan kali ini bagiku sangat menyedihkan. Aku masuk ke desa terpencil di daerah Pantura.Pertemuan dengan sesamaku tak terelakan,aku hentikan motorku karena aku melihat kue serabi yang menjadi makanan favoritku. Tak kusengaja ternyata itu merupakan daerah yang tak aku bayangkan sebelumnya.Suasana tidak awam aku rasakan tapi aku berusaha tak kurasakan.Maaf kalau aku berkata itu adalah tempat prostitusi.Aku tidak mau menghakimi mereka karena ukuran yang akan aku pake untuk menghakimi mereka akan berbalik pada diriku.Namun semua aku tak hiraukan demi kue serabiku.Aku lanjtkan berbincang-bincang pada pedagang kue serabi itu.perbincangan kita pun nyambung, ibu-ibu itu sekitar berumur 50 tahunan sudah sangat tua.Kami berbicara ternyata ibu itu memiliki seorang suami yang terkena stroke dan tidak bisa bergerak.Lalu saya tanya pada ibu itu "bagaimana ibu membiayai suami ibu" Ibu itu berkata "hasil dari penjualan kue serabi ini dan tambahan dari kuli di ladang itu yang akan...