Condition of Pantura Farming

Many in Kerawang city is often become victim of flood. Many in side this town near of small river of low land. In winter/ rain season, The farmer are planting paddy for four times. The reason is flood which take the paddy away. The planting of paddy on four times are coused the farmer attempt harvesting for their life. In the middle land, the flood is never occured.
Hybrid paddy development in Kerawang can be called increase. The farmer want to know about hybrid paddy becouse the productivity is higher than ussualy. They are still afraid becouse from their friend of farmer get information that hybrid paddy very easy to pest.

Subang is area which have middle land generally becouse that the area different from Kerawang. The drainage from the land very good, so the flood never come in long times. Becouse that the land very good to make the SRI sistem. Intermetent system metode very well to exceed the productivity in this area. But in other places the things occur dry land.

Paddy spreading in Indramayu dominantly to south side. Available from water very exceeding. Different with north side Indramayu, the water is not sufficient to paddy and the risk is the land face the drying. Occur the land is not harvest. Dilema with this condition from the risk cultivation of paddy. Climate is the most influence to cultivation of paddy. Condition of social community are vary. The conservative communty very dominantly in this area so very difficult to changes the new cultivation of hybrid. (dy.Pesik SP.MSi)


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