INCREASE THE RENDEMEN OF RICE Filling the grain of paddy is occured by mall reproduction. The aim the reproduction will exceed the good grain But if the proces reproduction wasnt happen, one thing will be happen is mall reproduction. The mall reproduction have got empty grain. The things why the reproduction proses fail consist of: A. Side Flag still depend or close from corner-bottom of grain. Actually corner-up of grain have been fill and taken good grain. The factor broken grain or empty grain is the side flag late to up so filling of grain is not occured perfectly. The solution, we use to enzim like Gibrelin Acid (GA3) to take the panicle up, hence the resistance of reproduction could be decreased. B. The grain which can be harvested very dangerous fungi suspecting. The reason is fungi have got their good-living with this condition.Anything else fungi can develop with quickly if the wet condition. With faces this case fungi, we use the active matterials enzim. We called difenolko...